East Sussex special needs school under threat

  • 22nd August 2023

Special educational needs provider Northease Manor School in Rodmell, East Sussex is under threat of closure, Yahoo has reported.

Northease Manor caters for children aged 10-18 with autism, communication and interaction difficulties and/or cognition and learning difficulties.

The schools has sent a letter to parents saying it may close in September due to lack of funding.

East Sussex County Council refused to agree to an increase in fees following a meeting in early August.

The school’s chair of governors Julie Toben told BBC News that the school needed to charge an annual fee of £32,000, a £7,000 increase on the current annual payment.

An East Sussex County Council spokesperson said: “We are continuing to work with Northease Manor school, alongside our colleagues at West Sussex County Council and Brighton and Hove City Council, to agree a sustainable and proportionate fee increase.”

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