Independent schools reject smartphones

  • 8th July 2024

Eton College is banning new pupils from bringing smartphones into school from this September, following concerns about their effect on children’s mental health and behaviour, The Times has reported.

Pupils will however be given access to an offline Nokia handset that only makes calls and sends texts.

Eton’s deputy head Mike Grenier, who oversees the school’s pastoral care, said: “When used responsibly and in moderation, [smartphones] can be a key part of life for the modern teenager and can create positive social networks and give access to news and views from around the world.

“However, despite these positives, there are also associated challenges and potential areas for concern, especially around socialisation, misuse and overuse and the impact on both mental and physical health.”

Alleyn’s School in Dulwich and Brighton College have both encouraged their pupils’ parents not to buy their children smartphones at all.

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