
Dirty money

Mike Ward offers advice about the risks of money laundering to independent schools.

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Keep your school safe

Craig McLaughlin provides key information about managing risk and health and safety hazards when employing contactors

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Risk radar

Accountancy firm RSM partner Matthew Humphrey discusses how to manage your school’s risks

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Defend against grooming

Safeguarding trainer and consultant Dave Wasley paints a scenario of a serious safeguarding threat involving an independent school and the best ways to deal with it.

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Suspension scenario

Anthony Longden, a consultant at PR firm Alder, explores a hypothetical case involving the treatment of a pupil accused of bullying

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Reward excellence

Navigator Law’s HR business partner Ruth Gladwell completes our special focus by reviewing how we reward staff

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Cultivate harmony

Navigator Law’s HR business partner Ruth Gladwell describes how to nurture a positive work environment.

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Strategy for success

Inspired Learning Group’s chief executive Amit Mehta explains the philosophy behind the 25-strong school group he created over the past 10 years

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Mutual support

Andrew Maiden talks to Alex Jenne about the relationship between the head and the bursar at his school.

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This is planet Earth

Jack Harty, Devon Earth Centre manager at Kingsley School in Bideford, describes the drive towards sustainability at his school.

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Correct payments

Charlie Barnes says schools should review their holiday pay processes and offers guidance for employees earning the National Minimum Wage

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Prevent and protect

Nicky Miller and Natalie Wargent assess a new law that will impose duties on schools to mitigate threats from terrorism.

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Walk the walk

Mike Buchanan recommends the power of movement to improve creative and strategic thinking.

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Going global?

Ian Allsop outlines a scenario to help decide whether to set up an international operation.

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Troublemaker tactics

Tim Toulmin and Anthony Longden consider a scenario where a head is having difficult relations with his or her staff.

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Add a nursery

Katie Cardona explains why establishing a nursery as part of an independent prep school can be a valuable addition

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Teacher’s tipsy trip up

Law firm BDB Pitmans partners Tim Hayes and Jonathan Brinsden consider a scenario about a complaint against a teacher’s behaviour on a school trip

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Money streams

Leanne Chandler reports on the Schools’ Enterprise Association’s annual conference and explains how schools can make the most of a diversified revenue stream.

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Turn your school around

David Preston. headmaster of Arnold Lodge School in Leamington Spa discusses the strategic changes that drove his school’s growth.

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Invest ethically

Heather Lamont describes how schools can ensure they are responsible investors as well as protecting their portfolios

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After the fall

Craig McLaughlin provides tips for preventing slips, trips and falls in and around your school

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Bank deposits – April 2024

In a new regular series, we provide the latest best rates for bank deposits. Ian Buss accesses those from deposit platforms, while MoneyFacts offers the best rates it has identified

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Priorities for bursars

Morgan Allen outlines some of the challenges related to property and its management faced by independent schools and how they can be addressed.

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The right choice

Paul Sypko outlines how to achieve effective procurement of information communications technology software in schools.

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An inspector calls

Durell Barnes discusses the implementation of the Independent Schools Inspectorate’s new inspection framework and highlights what to watch out for.

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Trade mission

Alice Unwin sets out a scenario of possible responses for a governor to consider as a result of a school’s trading subsidiary

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Trading places

With schools needing to maximise their income, John Foskett advises on setting up a trading subsidiary.

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Why do schools fail?

Inspired Learning Group’s Amit Mehta questions whether selling a school to a commercial operator is seen as a failure

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Focus on Dai Preston

Independent School management talks to Dai Preston, head of Arnold Lodge School in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire.

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Relationships for life

Short-termism never works in development. It needs to be structured carefully with a focus on building relationships for the long term. Ian McLean reports on the essential steps to success

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Have a plan

Daniel Cohen outlines ways to maintain and/or improve your school admissions practices

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A taxing problem

Colin Laidlaw revisits an issue of concern to independent schools with a new perspective on VAT on fees

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Rateable values

Andrew Altman outlines the latest changes in business rates and assesses their effects on your school estate

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Next in line

Tiffany Fleming offers advice on how to prepare the next generation of your school leaders

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A matter of judgment

The Charity Commission has published a refreshed version of its guidance on investing charity money. What has changed – and do you need to act? Heather Lamont reports

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Get rid of carbon

Nigel Aylwin-Foster continues his series on the decarbonisation of the school campus by looking at how to develop an effective plan

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Beware of fraudsters

Procedures for dealing with apparent suppliers must always be robust as new forms of fraud continue to provide ingenious tests for schools’ protection. Ian Buss reports

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Do the right thing

Charlotte Melhuish discusses how schools should respond to claims of discrimination and the key considerations for governors

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People like us

The social profile of governors has changed little over the years and, in changing times, is your governing body doing all it can to reflect the make up of the people it serves? Mike Buchanan digs a little deeper.

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Do it yourself

Everybody’s talking about it, but governors must get a grip on artificial intelligence to be able to make decisions about it, as Durell Barnes reports

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Hire safely

Emma Swann sets out the key changes to statutory guidance for school hire facilities agreements

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Schools for hire

Dorothy McLaren questions Adele Greaves, director of commercial operations at The Mill Hill Education Group, about how she has increased the revenue from lettings income

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Stronger together

Ian Daniel reports on the successful merger of two schools, with insights on how it was achieved.

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Focus on Suzie Longstaff

Suzie Longstaff joined London Park Schools as principal in April this year, a new senior schools’ group in London that is part of Dukes Education.

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Beyond hope

Development should be at the heart of a school’s central management function, but it’s no good just wishing and hoping for a lucky financial return

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Make change positive

Carolyn Reed and Katie Cardona set out the protocols for making effective change while keeping stakeholders on board

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Find your resilience

Phil Holdcroft has faced daunting challenges in military conflict but nothing prepared him for a challenge closer to home

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Worldwide opportunities

Freddie Cloke reveals how emerging markets offer opportunities for the international iterations of UK independent schools

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Standard bearers

Durell Barnes highlights the key changes for inspection of governance under the Independent School Inspectorate’s F23

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Onward march

Richard Fitz-Hugh provides a road map to reducing your operational carbon footprint.

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Weather the storms

John Fraser considers how the threats of climate change should affect your approach to managing risk in your school estate

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Why net zero?

Nigel Aylwin-Foster outlines how to plan the decarbonisation of your school estate.

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