Former Eton teacher charged with sex offences

Eton College
Former Eton College teacher Jacob Leland, 35, has been charged with sexual activity and sexual assault against a pupil between 2010 and 2012, The Times has reported.
Leland appeared before Reading Magistrates Court yesterday and denied all the charges.
The charges are five counts of engaging in non-penetrative activity with a boy under the age of 16, four counts of engaging in penetrative activity with a boy aged under 16, three counts of causing or inciting a boy under the age of 16 to engage in sexual activity, and two counts of sexual assault on a male.
Leland was bailed and the magistrates sent the case to Reading Crown Court where he will appear on 4 December.
A spokesman for Eton College, said: “We can confirm that, following a police investigation with which Eton College has co-operated fully, a former member of the teaching staff, Mr Jacob Leland, has been charged with 14 counts of sexual abuse contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003.
“Mr Leland taught at Eton from September 2010 until August 2012 and the charges, which are extremely serious, relate to his time working at the school. Given the ongoing criminal process, we cannot comment further at this stage,
“Eton stands firmly beside those former pupils directly involved, who have acted with great courage and dignity throughout.
“The welfare and wellbeing of our pupils is Eaton’s top priority. When safeguarding concerns arise, they are dealt with in accordance with our established processes and we always work closely with the relevant authorities where appropriate, as we have in this case.”