Nottinghamshire private school failing standards
Wellow House School in Nottinghamshire is failing to meet several requirements according to the Independent Schools Inspectorate which visited the school in October, Nottinghamshire Life has reported.
The school educates 189 pupils between the ages of three and 13.
The inspectors stated that the school was not as effective as it should be in safeguarding, pupils’ social and economic education, the wellbeing of pupils, the quality of education or the leadership and management.
The report stated: “The proprietor has not ensured that leaders implement some of the school’s policies and procedures effectively. Consequently, some independent school standards are not met and this has had an impact on how well the proprietors ensure that leaders promote the wellbeing of the pupils.
“The proprietor has not ensured that leaders have the required skills and knowledge to fulfil their responsibilities effectively, including in maintaining effective safeguarding.
“Leaders have not adapted classrooms sufficiently well to make it possible to teach all the activities required by the GCSE curriculum. Insufficient consideration has been given to the pastoral needs of the older pupils, which has resulted in instances of inappropriate behaviour from pupils in lessons that is not managed effectively.
“Staff without expertise and experience of teaching the older age range were not provided with the training and timely guidance needed to ensure they maintain effective and appropriate relationships with the oldest pupils. This is now being provided, alongside additional pastoral support for older pupils, resulting in a more appropriate response to their needs and behaviour.”
Wellow House School’s head Stephen Thompson said: “I am personally determined to bring the ISI back to Wellow as soon as possible and show them that those areas that were found to be inconsistent or problematic have been swiftly and comprehensively resolved. The findings in the educational quality of the school are a testament to the care and attention of our staff in fostering and cultivating such a warm, welcoming, and safe environment in which our pupils can thrive. We remain steadfast in our commitment to academic and developmental excellence for all our pupils.”