Parents “put off” private schools by the prospect of VAT

  • 7th October 2024

Julie Robinson

A survey of Independent Schools Council member schools has revealed a 1.7% drop in pupil numbers across all year groups at the start of this academic year, amid concerns that Labour’s VAT policy is already having an effect.

Commenting on the findings of the ISC’s pupil numbers survey, which also revealed that some schools reported a 4.6% fall in Year 7 pupils last month, ISC’s chief executive Julie Robinson warned that ministers have underestimated the pupil displacement that will be caused by Labour’s tax policy, with parents being “put off just by the prospect of VAT”.

Robinson said: “This data couldn’t be clearer – parents are already removing their children from independent schools as a result of the government’s plans to charge parents VAT.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg and the knock-on effect on schools is significant, with many small schools already at risk of closure.

“We want to work with the government to mitigate some of the biggest challenges of this policy, including looking at delaying the implementation of VAT, and seriously reviewing its impact on young people with special educational needs and disabilities.”

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