Teacher resigns after pushing pupil

  • 22nd February 2023

Image from Eltham College’s Facebook pagee

A “highly commended teacher” has resigned from independent Eltham College in South London following an incident where he was found to have pushed a pupil four years ago, Kent Live has reported.

Physics teacher Jan Pringle, who has worked at the school for more than 45 years, was the subject of a Teaching Regulation Agency hearing in August last year, whose findings were published last week.

The misconduct panel said he had a “previously good history, spanning decades” and described the event as a “one off incident” after watching CCTV of what happened on 15 January 15, 2019.

Pringle said the pupil was already falling over before he hit a desk, but was found to have pushed the pupil who was reported to have sustained a minor injury. He was not banned from teaching.

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